Saturday, November 3, 2012

So What

Just click on this link and press play and give it a listen.

Read the beautiful timeline of the paralleling lives of Miles Davis and Edith Piaf. Listen to "So What," that legendary Miles tune, as you peruse this page.

Don't stop till you reach the bottom, where you'll read ... well, here's just a sample - never enough - like a riff of Miles or a refrain of Edith:

"Like music, stamps speak an international language - an idea fully expressed when two nations agree to a joint issue. The U.S. Postal Service and La Poste, the French postal administration, are proud to present two stamps that cross borders, cultures, and generations -- Edith Piaf and Miles Davis."

Then go buy your own damn stamps and send me a letter. (If you can send it to me from France, I'll love you even more.)

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