It was a bit of a shock when I placed the last ugly beach scene label on an envelope recently. Apparently, the organizations to whom I've been doing my charitable giving stopped offering this service, and I hadn't been paying attention.

Back in the day, you'd find ads for these things in coupon mailers and the Lillian Vernon catalogs that my mom received. It was a quick and simple process, with few choices and almost no shipping fees.
Now, of course, there are approximately 5,500,000 companies from whom you can order return address labels over the internet. Just click on, say, the first company in the lineup and you'll find yourself with 8,185 design choices.
A word of advice: don't (as I did) spend two hours late on a Friday night perusing most of the 8,185 designs, only to have your wi-fi bog just when you've made a decision. Wait until morning. Pick something from the first page. IT'S AN ADDRESS LABEL - not a tattoo that will mark you till the end of days. Give yourself ten seconds, pick, click, and don't balk at the $4.50 shipping fee, even though the labels only cost $1.99.
Sigh. Who knew it was possible to miss Lillian Vernon catalogs?
1 comment:
I miss catalogs. I really do. I think about getting back on all the lists to start getting them again but know I don't have time to liesurely peruse them these days. I heard that Sears no longer prints a catalog & that made me sad. I wonder if anyone else misses the Sears Christmas catalog, other then me? Return address labels are going to be extinct soon. Weird huh? And life goes on.
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