Saturday, July 7, 2012

Circles of Love

A few weeks ago, my friend Bonnie sent a link to something called Circle of Love Letters with the message, "Now this sounds right up your alley!" I thought it was about love letters, so I didn't immediately click the link. Not that I have anything against love letters, I just jumped to a conclusion that a circle of love letters might be - oh, I don't know - the pen-and-paper equivalent of polyamory, maybe? Not that I have anything against polyamory - I just didn't think it was "right up my alley" - not at this stage of my life, anyway.

Of course I had it wrong (the way I always have it wrong when I jump to conclusions).

Circle of Love Letters (or COLL) is about writing - through U.S. Mail! - to people who need support. Volunteers are given the name and address of someone having trouble coping with a difficulty. The recipient will be a stranger about whom the letter-writer will only be given a cursory amount of information. Volunteers commit to writing weekly, and cannot expect a response. 

As I've written before, I've experienced great pleasure when letters and postcards appear in my mailbox. I've also had trouble enduring the frustration of not hearing back. I emailed COLL anyway to volunteer, and the response included guidelines and a summary of the 3-month commitment I would have to make. Then I reached this paragraph:

"Not getting replies to the letters you write can create a challenge, but it also gives an opportunity to focus on what is inspiring to you, to look out for the things that make you feel good. Sending good wishes and love without expectation can be a spiritual practice."

Just a click away, my friend put the very alley of opportunity I needed right on my map.