Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I don't know why, but I've never felt at home anywhere. I grew up in a suburban sprawl near San Francisco with restless parents. We upgraded neighborhoods every four or five years, requiring me to swap schools without ever changing cities. I don't think these are the reasons.

By the time I was 30 I'd lived in 26 places if you counted the cars and the boats. I count them because as a transient I first felt what other people described as "home." I remember Bob's Youth Hostel in Amsterdam with a fondness some people reserve for their childhood dolls. There's a beat-up cabin cruiser in Charlotte Amalie that does it for me, and this old couple's Pontiac Bonneville that I once had to drive from Fort Lauderdale to Oakland in ten of the most lived-in days of my existence. We were making a go of it in Key West with about $200 between us when I found the letter he was writing to Emma. "I'm trying to let her down easy!" was his excuse. I couldn't get out of Florida fast enough.

Heading offshore in a freshening breeze makes me sigh like a matriarch at Thanksgiving dinner. Or driving across the Texas panhandle, a winter gust clawing to get in through the passenger window… Deciphering a Hungarian timetable in the rain is akin to curling up next to a fire with a good book. I want speed bumps, not a fuzzy blanket, diesel fumes instead of cookies fresh out of the oven. It's a cliché to say I’m at home on the road, but I like to be moving and to see things for the very first time. That's it, that's home for me.


Anonymous said...

once again you've hit it right on the money. i always try to explain in some way how when i'm on "vacation" or just on the move, that feels normal to me... not sitting at home in front of a tv or at work in front of a computer...

Win1 said...

I so relate to this feeling. Ive always felt the same way and most times it makes my life harder than it should be. God knows i'd like to settle down and learn to appreciate my little corner of the world, but then i see a picture of 'somewhere' else and im ready to go...i think its a sickness for which there is no cure. Sigh.