Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I Am Waiting

with apologies (and gratitude) to Lawrence Ferlinghetti

I am waiting for my ship to come in
and I am waiting
for inspiration to strike
and I am waiting
for America to change its mind
about the way we are in the world.

I am waiting in the express checkout lane
for a long time
before realizing in dismay
I have more than ten items in my cart
and none of those items
will make me
a better person
or help me make the world
a better place.

I am waiting for my doctor appointment -
the one the receptionist asked me to
come 15 minutes early for
so I could fill out 30 minutes of paperwork
and wait 45 minutes more.

I am waiting
for my blood to be drawn
I am waiting
for the pain to go away
I am waiting
for someone to tell me what’s wrong
why I’m over forty
and haven’t yet figured out
how to make a difference.

I am waiting
for the phone call to come
the one that will have the news
that will cause me
to act in a way
that will ultimately
once and for all
define me as a person
and I am waiting
perpetually and forever
for inspiration in the form of a mystical being
that looks something like a mermaid
and calls herself The Muse.
I am waiting for her
to speak directly into my ear
as I stare into a glowing screen
and my fingers race
over plastic keys taken out of a mold
by some underpaid person of color
on the other side of the world.

I am waiting
for this irony to not be lost on me.

Esperando la ultima ola
I am waiting to catch
my last wave of the day
to surf it into the beach as the sky
turns purple and pink
behind the sand dunes of my destiny.

I am waiting
for a decision to be made
I am waiting
for the sun to come up
I am lying awake
at 3:57 in the morning
waiting in the red glow of the digital clock
for sleep to begin
or the night to end
and I don’t even care anymore
which one comes first
just please let it come quickly.

I am waiting
for my prayers to be answered
I am waiting
to believe in the power of prayer
I am waiting
for a sign
from a god
for a sign
from any god
for a sign
that will tell me
the world is going to be all right
in spite of us.

I am waiting
for someone else
to rule the world for a while
and I am waiting
for the next invasion
I am even waiting
for little martian men
to land in America
and tell us
that space isn’t going to be the answer
that it’s just as bad where they are from.

I am waiting for the song to end
and I am waiting for a different song to start
and I am waiting at the intersection
of my life and my death
and I am waiting
for the light
I am waiting
for the light
I am waiting
for the light
for the light to finally change.


Win1 said...

you know I love this poem. Love it. Love....
did I hear you do this at the last slam you read at? I'm remembering this night suddenly. Maybe I'll hear it again this evening? I hope so.
I'll be Waiting...

Laura said...

Aaahhh, A Deb poem. I can hear your squeaky voice read aloud and I can see the spark you get in your eyes when you share your gift with me. I love your writings and poems. I still cherish the book of stories and poems you put together over 10 years ago! Yikes, we have known each other for over 10 yrs!

Gemma Grace said...

Wow! Powerful insight. I'm reading on :)